Natalie, I giggled out loud when I read about your comfort level with heat. I know we have talked about it before and we are right in the middle of our summer. It has been humid as hell, girlfriend!! Over the last week or so, I feel like I am trying to sleep in a bathtub full of water, the air is so heavy. Ugh. I LONG for fall!! I, too, am not a fan of zoos or circuses, etc. Thank you for looking out for our animal kin and for capturing their beauty. XO

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Urgh - isn’t it the worst! I feel for you - but also, please keep it all up in your hemisphere for a bit longer, hahah! The humidity, that is the killer - I don’t know how people live in the tropics!! Sending you lots of cool breeze vibes xo

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Aug 1Liked by Natalie Eslick

Thank you Natalie, for reminding us again of what matters most. And thank you for the African Wild Dogs, such beautiful beings, those ears!

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Aren’t they just the most amazing beings! But I can say that about every single wild being - I am constantly amazed and delighted, and that is all kinds of wonderful! I really appreciate your kind words Carri - thank you!

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Oh how beautiful, wonderful and inspiring you are, Natalie. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for this post...for inviting us to remember our WILD...for asking us to remember our WHY? for asking us to care more deeply for the earth and all her being.

Nat, you are SO INSPIRITING!!!

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Oh, beautiful Sam, your words are always a big hug to me - thank YOU!

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Aug 1Liked by Natalie Eslick

Congratulations on your acceptance in Artist for Conservation. Your work is beautiful and you are so passionate about wildlife, how could they not!

Zoos are soulless places. Captivation, because man are eradicating a species.

I hope you find someone to care for the business side of your work, so you may continue what fills your soul.

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Oh Lisa, thank you so much for your kind words and thoughtful wishes, I so appreciate you!

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What a lovely piece to read. My eyes stopped for a moment reading; herstory.

This week I found the name of the Goddess that belongs to my place, my country. She is vanished away out of herstory :) And as Sharon Blackie so wonderful says; We have fallen out of Myth.

I had to turn to other cultures to learn about the dark Goddesses and the love they bear inside themselves. The love for life, the love for their kin.

Her name is Fria, translated in my own language it means; vrij, vrije. In English; free.

Which originally meant; She who loves.

In every word you shared I read your love for life. For your creative being and your creativity ... Amazingly wonderful. I hope and wish you have a beautiful Wild August!

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Oh Alja, this was such a lovely message to see in my inbox - thank you for your very kind words, and for telling me a little about Fria - this is beautiful! Absolutely, we have fallen out of myth, to our own detriment, and to connection to the fertile, divine Earth. But I hope that together we are remembering, connecting, and making a difference. That is certainly the case for me personally, having found so many wonderful people like you, people from my tribe, here in this space. xo

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It's my pleasure Natalie!

I was in awe when I found the Fria's name. Meanwhile I found the male one too; Woen (related to Wodan). Later in time the word 'woede' which means anger, rage emerged out of it. However in essence aggression refers to the purity of the ego and in its origin it means; focusing on, rapprochement to, and coming out.

Later in time it became used for hostility and attacking someone else.

In essence however it was pure nature, a pure instinctive knowing what one needs to do to preserve life out of respect, care and love for it. Out of care for the Wild Heart! I love those stories, they make sense to life happenings and share answers, in metaphor. Giving spirits the ground they so desperately need to root in again, enabling them to open for other dimensions that are a part of life too.

In my way, in my life I do what I can and am capable to do, trusting life knows best and I can follow her lead ... in the moments I haven't fallen out of my own Myth :) it is a joy meeting you here on this platform. Thanks for this chat, have a lovely weekend! xo

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This is fascinating Alja - I really appreciate you sharing with me! I am so happy we have connected here too, a gift I am grateful for xo

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